Home of Horror: Buffalo Bill's torture house (Silence of the Lambs)
In a remote corner of a small town known as Perryopolis, lurks the home of infamous movie villain, Buffalo Bill. John “Buffalo Bill” Gumb was inspired by a plethora of serial killers, but the murderer that took the most precedence in his creation was Ed Gein. Just like Gein, Buffalo Bill skinned his victims alive to make bodysuits for his own pleasure. To the ordinary passerby, it’s just a quaint home; but to film buffs, this lovely three-story victorian home is terrifying.
The drive here was through the lush green countryside, and only about an hour outside of Pittsburgh. It wasn’t until my friends and I arrived to the quiet town that we realized just how eerie things must have been for Agent Clarice Starling. To get to the house; one must find a narrow brick tunnel that leads to a rusted, one-lane bridge that towers over the Youghiogheny River.
Once we crossed the bridge to the safety of level ground, I noticed almost immediately, that we were passing the railroad tracks that slowly panned over to the house Agent Starling went to investigate. The house was instantly recognizable, and despite me wanting to stare at it longer, we instantly snapped a few quick photos from the road and turned back around.
The entire experience was surreal. Driving alongside the railroad tracks, seeing the front door where danger awaited on the other side, and gaining perspective of the entire area made me feel like I was part of that universe. I was nervous and giddy all at the same time. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything, even if it were only for a few minutes.
In reality, the house is ordinary. It’s surrounded by a small neighborhood that’s surrounded by a river and nothing more. If I had never watched the 1991 film, I would simply think that this was a whimsical little house, peacefully tucked away for those who love the quiet sounds of the river. I believe that’s what makes this house and its location so wonderful. It’s the perfect hidden gem for those who have a passion for films, their locations, and love an impromptu adventure.
Til next time,
Note: If you do choose to visit this location, please be respectful of the area and the individuals that reside within that house. Even though it is part of movie history, at the end of the day it’s someone’s home.
Updated: 8/16/2022
You can now visit Buffalo Bill’s house. Tours and stays available on their website!
Tours: $50
Stays: $495+ per night
Address: 8 Circle St, Perryopolis, PA 15473