Meet Arwyn /ᐠ.。.ᐟ\
To love something so unconditionally is special, and for that very creature to love you back is a bond that doesn’t compare to anything else. For more than half of my life, I’ve always had a pet. Dog, cat, crab, gerbil, rabbit…you name. Since my breakup, this entire year has been the longest I have gone without a pet. It’s been lonely.
Don’t get me wrong, I am blessed to have my family, boyfriend, and incredible friends…but it feels like something is missing. WELL FELLOW INTERNET DWELLERS, I am happy to announce that this loneliness will not last much longer. After months of deciding on whether or not I should get a little fuzz ball of my own, I saw her and instantly fell in love.
Meet Arwyn Edona, named after Arwen from Lord of the Rings. She’s (as of today) exactly 12 weeks old. She’s a silver Bengal cat, and absolutely beautiful. She’s a July baby just like me, born on July 7, 2021. She’s described as sassy and sweet, and based off of her photos, I do not doubt it for a second.
I am absolutely thrilled to share our adventures together (starting next Saturday!!!). I’ll document the set up of her space as the endless Amazon packages start trickling in throughout the next week.