Meet Arwyn /ᐠ.。.ᐟ\

To love something so unconditionally is special, and for that very creature to love you back is a bond that doesn’t compare to anything else. For more than half of my life, I’ve always had a pet. Dog, cat, crab, gerbil, rabbit…you name. Since my breakup, this entire year has been the longest I have gone without a pet. It’s been lonely.

Don’t get me wrong, I am blessed to have my family, boyfriend, and incredible friends…but it feels like something is missing. WELL FELLOW INTERNET DWELLERS, I am happy to announce that this loneliness will not last much longer. After months of deciding on whether or not I should get a little fuzz ball of my own, I saw her and instantly fell in love.

The updated photo the nice lady sent me of my sweet little babe.

The updated photo the nice lady sent me of my sweet little babe.

Meet Arwyn Edona, named after Arwen from Lord of the Rings. She’s (as of today) exactly 12 weeks old. She’s a silver Bengal cat, and absolutely beautiful. She’s a July baby just like me, born on July 7, 2021. She’s described as sassy and sweet, and based off of her photos, I do not doubt it for a second.

I am absolutely thrilled to share our adventures together (starting next Saturday!!!). I’ll document the set up of her space as the endless Amazon packages start trickling in throughout the next week.


Preparing the Nest